Refer-A-Friend Program

Our satisfied customers send new business our way every day. The Harriman Heating & Air Conditioning team would like to say "thanks!"

Use the form below to let us know who you referred. For every "new-to-us" service customer who purchases new equipment, you will receive $100!

There is no limit to the number of referral rewards available to you, so send folks our way as often as you would like. This is just another way of saying "Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, our neighbors, in any of your current or future comfort needs."

Some restrictions may apply. Call 734-271-6200 for more details.

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Who Did You Refer?

Do they need a call from us?*

Your Information

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Administrative field: do not enter data here


Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at Harriman Heating & Air Conditioning.

Call us at 734-271-6200!